Asking price £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 2 Receptions

Could this be the ideal home you’ve been looking for, the one that you’ve been searching for. We believe so and would urge you to call 020 8540 8141 to arrange a viewing as soon as possible. The well-presented family home, has been a labour of love by the current owner to make it perfect for them and now you have the chance to own it. The property is located in a cul-de-sac and has the convenience of off street parking. A bright and airy entrance hall welcomes you in to the home and then take yourselves to the family through lounge and dining area which intern flows through to the conservatory and relax under the stars. if your feeling hungry, then get busy creating culinary delights in the modern refitted kitchen, which leads out to the landscaped rear garden for some alfresco dining and a bit of family fun. Then off to bed with a choice of three bedrooms after a relaxing bath in the modern bathroom suite and time to unwind. NO ONWARD CHAIN TOO

Could this be the ideal home you’ve been looking for, the one that you’ve been searching for. We believe so and would urge you to call 020 8540 8141 to arrange a viewing as soon as possible. The well-presented family home, has been a labour of love by the current owner to make it perfect for them and now you have the chance to own it. The property is located in a cul-de-sac and has the convenience of off street parking. A bright and airy entrance hall welcomes you in to the home and then take yourselves to the family through lounge and dining area which intern flows through to the conservatory and relax under the stars. if your feeling hungry, then get busy creating culinary delights in the modern refitted kitchen, which leads out to the landscaped rear garden for some alfresco dining and a bit of family fun. Then off to bed with a choice of three bedrooms after a relaxing bath in the modern bathroom suite and time to unwind. NO ONWARD CHAIN TOO

Asking price £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Asking price £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Asking price £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
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