Offers Over £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 2 Receptions

This 1930's built family home offers you the convenience of off street parking to the front drive with side access gates leading to the garage / work shop and rear garden. From the main front door, you’re greeted by the entrance hall which has a convenient under stairs toilet area. The family lounge is located to the front of the house whilst the dining area is located to the rear, overlooking the garden and a separate galley style kitchen for you to cook up some culinary delights. Then take yourselves out to the southerly aspect 76ft rear garden and enjoy some alfresco dining and enjoy the outlook. Upstairs, provides a landing with loft access, two double and one single bedrooms as well as a family shower room. Then spend the day at the Historic National Trust Morden Hall Park or make your way to Morden Town for a bit of shopping and dining out or jump on the tube and off to London you go.

This 1930's built family home offers you the convenience of off street parking to the front drive with side access gates leading to the garage / work shop and rear garden. From the main front door, you’re greeted by the entrance hall which has a convenient under stairs toilet area. The family lounge is located to the front of the house whilst the dining area is located to the rear, overlooking the garden and a separate galley style kitchen for you to cook up some culinary delights. Then take yourselves out to the southerly aspect 76ft rear garden and enjoy some alfresco dining and enjoy the outlook. Upstairs, provides a landing with loft access, two double and one single bedrooms as well as a family shower room. Then spend the day at the Historic National Trust Morden Hall Park or make your way to Morden Town for a bit of shopping and dining out or jump on the tube and off to London you go

Offers Over £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Offers Over £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Offers Over £575,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
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